FoxData has undergone another version update in 2025, focusing on adding long-awaited features across three major sections!
In this update, we've introduced "Stories," "Events," and "CPPs" to the Search page.
Moreover, "CPPs," a highly requested feature, has been launched not only on the Search page but also on the App-Advertising page and the Ad-ASA Analysis page.
Let's take a look at the updated details!
Note: The newly added features in this iteration are limited to iOS apps. However, we plan to extend similar functionality to support Google Play apps in the future.
Search-"Stories", "Events", and "CPPs"
In this feature iteration, we've added three major sections—"Stories," "Events," and "CPPs"—to the Search page.
These powerful tools enhance app market research, helping you gain a more comprehensive understanding of market trends and providing data support and decision-making insights for app development and marketing strategies.
"Stories" showcases all the Stories under a particular keyword, along with the corresponding apps for each Story.
With this feature, you can:
Discover Popular Trends: View trending stories related to keywords to grasp the latest market dynamics and user interests.
Gain Competitive Advantage: Observe how competitors' apps are performing within different stories to identify product features that can be optimized.
"Events" displays app activities related to keywords within your selected timeframe.
With the "Events" feature, you can:
Track Activities in Real-Time: View App Store in-app activities related to keywords within your chosen timeframe. You can monitor activities in real-time during each key seasonal point to optimize your marketing strategies and design more engaging activities.
Discover Innovation Opportunities: By observing new activity formats and trends in the market, you can spark creativity and plan unique activity formats for your own app.

"CPPs" results display the custom product pages shown at the top of ASA (Apple Search Ads) for the searched keyword within the current country, app market, and specified date.
With the "CPPs" feature, you can:
Access Custom Page Information: View the custom product pages for keywords in the current country and app market, and understand how these pages are displayed in ASA (Apple Search Ads).
Optimize Advertising Strategy: Identify successful ad page strategies and layouts to build more attractive and conversion-oriented custom pages for your product.
Understand Market Dynamics: Learn how competitors use custom pages to expand their market in different countries or regions, which can help optimize your international market strategy.
Inspire Creative Ideas: Gain creative inspiration from competitors' product pages to enhance your own product presentation and marketing message delivery.

"CPPs" is a major feature introduced in this FoxData release.
In addition to the "Search" page, you can also study "CPPs" directly on the App page.
If you have a specific competitor you want to study, you can directly track the app and then conduct an in-depth analysis of the app in the "App-Advertising-CPPs" Page section.
Ad-ASA Analysis-"CPPs"
If you want to conduct a more comprehensive and thorough "CPPs" research, be sure not to miss the Ad-ASA Analysis section.
Compared to the other two methods,
Ad-ASA Analysis for "CPPs" is more comprehensive and is divided into two pages: "By Keywords" and "By Apps".
"By Keywords" allows you to quickly evaluate all CPPs for a keyword in ASA from a comprehensive data perspective, helping marketers identify market trends.
"By Apps" shows all CPPs for the selected app in the chosen country and time period.
This can help you quickly analyze competitors’ strategies and understand trends and changes in different product pages in the market.
Here is a guide of Ad-ASA Analysis-"CPPs":
How to Optimize Your ASA Strategy with "Ad-CPPs"📒
Note:In addition to "ASA Analysis-CPPs," the CPPs feature on the Search page and the App page can also be referenced using the above feature usage guide.

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