As we look ahead to 2024, there are several key trends in mobile marketing that we can anticipate. One of these trends is the ongoing movement toward data privacy, which began in 2021 and is expected to continue. In the coming year, the attribution of data will become increasingly uncertain rather than exact.
A significant area of focus will be better metrics prediction. In order to obtain the most accurate attribution possible, economic models, A/B testing, and gathering first-party data will be crucial.
Another tool that may prove useful in the post-IDFA world is Data Clean Rooms (DCRs). These tools allow us to analyze data at the user level while maintaining privacy and without direct user access.
Key Anticipations
Currently, the percentage of ATT opt-in ranges from 30% to 40% according to various sources. In order to increase this percentage, mobile marketers and developers need to focus on personalization and educating consumers about the value of consent.
Balancing user desires and privacy can be challenging. Building strong, trustworthy relationships with customers is essential in order to provide the best possible user experience. There are no shortcuts or workarounds - developing an effective data strategy takes time and effort.
NFT and Metaverse
The rise of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency assets has led to the phenomenon of the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In 2024, we expect to see a significant number of NFT-based games and non-game products.
This concept allows token holders to have exclusive ownership of specific content in exchange for tokens. This ownership can then be traded on the NFT marketplace or even applied to trading stocks. The impact and potential of this trend are still up for debate, and only time will tell its true revolutionizing power.
M-commerce / grocery & food delivery
The lockdown period caused a surge in the use of food delivery services, with these app categories experiencing significant growth. This shift in user behavior has continued beyond the lockdown period, with more customers opting for online purchases over in-store visits. As a result, new delivery services have emerged to meet this demand.
In 2024, we anticipate that mobile marketers will focus on marketing for food delivery apps and explore the promotion of mobile games utilizing blockchain technologies.
Mobile marketing will continue to be a prominent factor in the e-commerce industry as we move into 2024.
As smartphones play an increasingly central role in people's lives, successful marketing strategies will rely on social media presence, website speed, and responsiveness to evolving customer needs.
To stay competitive in the rapidly expanding digital landscape, mobile marketers must prioritize demographic targeting, stay abreast of the latest technologies, and be prepared to adapt their campaigns quickly.
Social media will play a crucial role in this mobile marketing evolution, particularly with the rise of Social 2.0. Platforms like TikTok, which have already proven successful, will set the stage for new marketing trends.
Features like the TikTok shop will transform e-commerce into a social experience, reducing the need for traditional on-site shopping and reshaping the future of mobile marketing.
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